Shell and variables

How to use variables in the shell

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✔️ Working with variables

  • The shell suports 2 types of variables : environment variables and shell variables
  • Environment variables
    • Environment variables are available system-wide and are inherited by all spawned child processes and shells.
    • Their values differ from user to user (an obvious example is $USER)
    • They can be modified, or new variables can be added with the syntax env VARIABLE=value
  • Shell variables
    • Shell variables are variables that apply only to the current shell instance.
    • Each shell (zsh, bash, etc ...) has its own set of predefined internal shell variables.
    • They can be modified, or new variables can be added with the syntax set VARIABLE=value

Similar to shell commands, environment variables are accessibles from within shell scripts

✔️ List of predefined environment variables :

environment contains
$0 the name of the running executable
$1 - $9 the first 9 arguments that were passed to it
$# total number of arguments that were passed
$@ all the arguments that were passed
$? the exit status of the most recently run process
$$ the PID (process id) of the current executable instance
$USER the username of the user running the process
$HOSTNAME the hostname of the machine the process is running on
$SECONDS the number of seconds since the process has started
$RANDOM returns a different random number each time is it referred to
$LINENO returns the current line number in the context of the shell or script

✔️ User-defined variables

  • User defined variables are most often used in shell scripts
  • A variable is set with the following syntax VARIABLE=value (no space on either side of the equals sign)
  • A variable is referred to with the following syntax $VARIABLE
  • Any variable included in a command will have the shell command substitution replace it with its value prior to actually running the command
  • The scope of a variable is the process it is created in : having the same variable referenced in 2 different scripts requires the variable to be exportd as an environment variable
  • Setting an environment variable in a script won't change its value outside of the script unless it is exported again.

✔️ Working with lists

  • Lists are actually list of words that can either be :
    1. A series of strings, separated by spaces, ex : Stan Kyle Cartman
    2. A range of numbers, separated by 2 dots, ex : {1..5} or {10..0}
      • It will evaluate as an increasing series of numbers if the right value is greater than the left value
      • It will evaluate as a decreasing series otherwise ...
      • It is also possible to specify the increase/decrease value to by adding two more dots (..) and the value to use
      • For example, {10..0..2} will evaluate to 10 8 6 4 2 0
  • lists are not arrays : for instance range numbers can't be assigned to variables without being expanded into an array first