React hooks

What are hooks in react and how to use them

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✔️ Hooks are functions that let you "hook into" React state and lifecycle features from function components.

Why hooks ?

  1. write function-based components instead of class-based components
  2. make stateful logic code modular by decoupling it from the class-based component instance and from this
  3. make component lifecycle code modular by decoupling it from the class-based component lifecycle methods

✔️ Note : the exact same results could be achieved with classes with clever use of function.prototype.bind and this, but it would make the resulting code too verbose and the whole react paradigm less accessible

Hooks and function components

  • function-based components are not classes, so they are hook-compatible to begin with even if they use no hook at all
  • hooks must only be called at the top level of react function components
  • conditional / iteration logic must be embedded inside the hook (no hook should be called conditionally or iteratively inside a function component)
  • the hooks imports are prefixed with "use" because they are executed at each render even if they appear only once in the code

State hook

  • instead of storing a component's state as properties of this.state, the state is now managed on a variable-by-variable basis with the useState hook
  • by construction, the useState hook cannot perform partial updates or shallow object merging, only replace the part of the component's state it manages

Effect hook

  • effect hooks are created with useEffect and will be triggered after the React DOM updates
  • they can be used to perform network requests, manual DOM mutations, logging ...
  • as such, they are similar to component lifecycle post-render events componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate
  • multiple effects hooks can be included in a component and will be executed execute in their declaration order
  • effect hooks also accept a "dependency list" parameter :
    • if passed an array of values (props, state or whatever) the effect will be triggered after the next render each time any of those values change
    • if passed an empty array the effect will be triggered only after the initial render
    • if not passed at all, the effect will be triggered after each render
  • if an effect hook returns a function, said function will will execute at component unmount (similar to componentWillUnmount)
  • thus this is the place to perform the component teardown / cleanup

Ref hook

  • the useRef hook returns a mutable object whose .current property is initialized to the passed argument
  • the returned object will then persist for the full lifetime of the component and is decoupled from the state / render / effect mechanism
  • a notable use case is to create references to the DOM from inside the React DOM and to bind the reference to the actual DOM element at render time