The big list of npm modules
List of relevant npm modules
// search for irrelevant end-of-url characters
// replace the matching results to remove the above
// extract relevant components from the trimmed urls
// replace the matching results to format the above
'- [$2]($1)'
- @anshulkhope/sew-cli
- @babel/eslint-parser
- @getinsomnia/node-libcurl
- @jest-mock/express
- @jest/globals
- @mantine/core
- @material-ui/x-grid-data-generator
- @osjs/tetris-application
- @petamoriken/float16
- @testing-library/dom
- @testing-library/jest-dom
- @toth.adam.straxus/videojs-hls-quality-selector
- @vitejs/plugin-legacy
- @vitejs/plugin-react
- @vitejs/react-router-dom
- acl
- adventurejs
- airbnb-browser-shims
- amator
- amqplib
- appear-animation
- ascii-file-tree
- ascii-table
- ascii-tree
- ascii-tree-array
- async
- autoprefixer
- babel
- babel-cli
- babel-core
- babel-jest
- babel-plugin-transform-import-meta
- babel-preset-airbnb
- babel-preset-env
- bcryptjs
- benchmark
- benchmarkjs
- britfone
- browserslist
- bson
- categorized-words
- chalk
- chokidar
- classic-tetris-js
- cli-progress
- client-sessions
- color
- colors
- commander
- conjugate
- connect-mongo
- console-progress-bar
- cookie-parser
- core-js
- cors
- create-react-app
- csurf
- curl
- d3
- dash
- dash.js
- dictionary-en
- dotenv
- duplexer2
- easy-ease
- embed-plugin-url
- embed-url
- embedo
- english-verbs
- english-verbs-helper
- eslint
- eslint-config-airbnb
- eslint-config-airbnb-base
- eslint-config-babel
- eslint-config-defaults
- eslint-disable-parsing
- eslint-plugin-html
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-security
- express
- express-generator
- express-session
- faker
- fetch
- fetch-headers
- ffmpeg
- ffmpeg-static
- ffprobe
- ffprobe-static
- fluent-ffmpeg
- fnbrtest
- forever
- formidable
- gatsby-cli
- gojs
- googleapis
- gramma
- grapheme-splitter
- halk
- html2canvas
- http-headers
- hubot-poker
- iced-x86
- inquirer
- install-peerdeps
- jasmine
- jest-puppeteer
- jose
- js-beautify
- js-chess-engine
- js-tetris-2022
- jsdom
- jsonwebtoken
- kahoot.js-latest
- kiss-ffmpeg
- linkifyjs
- lodash
- makemehapi
- marked
- mime
- mime-db
- mime-types
- minimist
- minipass
- mobile_robot_animation
- moment
- moment-timezone
- monaco-editor
- mongo
- mongodb
- moray.js
- morgan
- multer
- my-tetris
- nestor-downloads
- node-fetch
- node-fluent-ffmpeg
- node-ipc
- node-libcurl
- node-random-name
- node-sass
- node-static
- nodemon
- noh-insects
- npm
- npm-check
- npm-check-updates
- npmvc
- npx
- oo-ascii-tree
- optimist
- pbedat-tetris
- pixi.js
- postcss
- pptr-testing-library
- progress
- progress-bar
- project-name-generator
- puppeteer
- react-aria
- react-dom
- react-router
- react-router-dom
- react-tetris-game
- react-tetris-game.jpg
- readline-sync
- retro-apple-inspired-react-modal
- riichi-core
- rock-paper-scissors-rukkiesman
- rollup
- rollup-plugin-svelte
- roulette-cli
- safe-buffer
- sails
- sails-mongo
- sass
- sass-embedded
- semver
- serve-index
- serve-static
- shelljs
- sirv-cli
- stream-combiner
- styled-components
- supports-color
- surge
- svelte
- systeminformation
- tar
- ten-ten
- testing-library
- testing-library/dom
- tetris
- tetris-core
- tetris-js
- tetris-typescript
- three
- trumpet
- tw-engine-498tokio
- twitter-autohook
- typedarray
- unique-names-generator
- universal-animation
- url-embed
- uws
- video.js
- videojs
- videojs-contextmenu-ui
- videojs-overlay
- vite
- vite-plugin-babel
- vite-plugin-banner
- vite-plugin-mpa
- vite-plugin-webfont-dl
- wasm-game-sdl-canvas-arkanoid
- webp-animation-generator
- webpack
- websocket
- workshopper-adventure
- ws
- zx-tetris