Next.js overview

Next.js main features list

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From development to production :

✔️ DX (fast refresh, linting, etc ...) vs production ready (bundling, minifying, etc ...)

✔️ Pages are pre-rendered at each request during development whatsoever to improve the DX 

Compiling :

✔️ Exit Babel + Terser, enter SWC (Speedy Web Compiler - written in Rust)

Minifying :

✔️ JS + CSS automatically minified during the build process

Bundling :

✔️ Resolve dependency graph + treeshake + package

Code splitting :

✔️ Optimize network traffic by associating each app entrypoint with its own bundle chunk

Build time vs. runtime :

✔️ Building the app vs. delivering the build to end users

✔️ Build ouptut :
   - Static HTML files
   - JS code for rendering pages on the server
   - JS code for making pages interactive on the client
   - CSS files

Client and server

✔️ I kind of know what it is ...


✔️ Next.js pre-renders every page by default :
   - Data retrieval and transformation of react components to HTML happen server-side
   - The resulting HTML page is sent to the client to display the UI
   - This method eliminates render-blocking behavior by design, and results in better performance and SEO
   - Pages can be pre-rendered using static site generation or server-side rendering

the result of pre-rendering shows when a page is opened while javascript is disabled ...

User-specific pages are private and irrelevant to SEO and thus should not be pre-rendered

✔️ Static Site Generation
   - The page rendering only happens once, at build time
   - The app is built into a static HTML website (no runtime required afterwards)
   - Potential use cases are marketing pages, blog posts, e-commerce product listings, help and documentation ...
   - Async fetching of data required for the static page can happen at build time using ```getStaticProps```
   - ```getStaticProps``` runs on each request in dev mode

The question to ask is : "Can I pre-render this page ahead of a user's request?" If the answer is yes, then you should choose Static Generation.

✔️ Server-Side Rendering
   - The page rendering happens on each request
   - Each user agent request generates a new page in the server's memory
   - The HTTP response contains HTML code, JSON data and JS code
   - The user agent immediately displays the rendered HTML upon reception (progressive enhancement)
   - Subsequently, the JS code runs and uses the JSON data to make the page interactive (hydration)

Server-Side Rendering has to be used if a page cannot be pre-rendered ahead of a user's request (For example if the page is designed to auto-updates or if the page content changes on every request)

In that case, you can use Server-side Rendering. It will be slower, but the pre-rendered page will always be up-to-date.

✔️ Client-Side Rendering
   - No pre-rendering happens server-side, responses are sent immediately
   - Data retrieval and react transformations happen client-side as usual
   - Render-blocking behavior can happen

The last option is the traditional way of letting client-side JavaScript update the page when required

✔️ Resources optimization
   - Next.js allows configuration of the rendering method on a page by page basis

✔️ Special feature : react server components
   - These components are 100% rendered server-side and do not require client-side hydration at all

CDNs and the Edge

✔️CDNs store replicated static content and can deliver it to the user from the closest location

✔️Edges basically are CDNs that provide a runtime in which run small snippets of code can run

Next Steps


Static assets serving

✔️ Next.js can serve static assets from the top-level "public" directory

✔️ Files stored there can be referenced from the root of the application (similar to "pages")

✔️ The "next/image" component supports :
   - On the fly resizing of images (do not deliver images whose size exceeds that of the viewport)
   - Optimization of delivery format (for example, use ".webp" format if the browser supports it)
   - Lazy loading of images (load only as they enter the viewport)
✔️ Next.js provides built-in components such as "next/head" that can be included in a page to add metadata
✔️ The "next/script" built-in component allow loading scripts hosted by third parties without impacting page performances