Essential Linux system files

The whos who of files in a linux system

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Directories details

/                        # root directory                                                                   
├── bin -> /usr/bin      # executables for common programs (system, administrator, users)                   
├── boot                 # system startup files (boot loader, kernel, config, initial RAM )                 
├── dev                  # contains references to all the CPU peripheral hardware                           # --> those are represented as files with special properties.                      
├── etc                  # most important system configuration files                                        # --> this directory contains data similar to those in the Control Panel in Windows
├── home                 # users home directories                                                           
├── lib -> /usr/lib      # library files for system and users programs                                      
├── lost+found           # stores data recovered during failures                                            
├── media                # stores mount points for cdrom, usb, etc ...                       
├── mnt                  # stores mount points for external devices                                         
├── opt                  # third party software                                         
├── proc                 # stores process information pseudo-filesystem (see man page for details)          # --> kernel data structures accessors                                             # --> info on system state and  hardware (cpu, memory, partitions, swap, etc...)   
├── root                 # root user home directory                                                         
├── run                  # /var/run -> /run symlink target, wiped out on reboot                             
├── sbin -> /usr/sbin    # executables for common programs (system, administrator, users)   
├── sys                  # modern sysfs based alternative to procfs (see /proc) 
├── tmp                  # temp system files, wiped out on reboot                                           
├── usr                  # all user related programs                                                        
└── var                  # all temporary files created by users                                             

Note : explanations on procfs vs sysfs can be found here

System files details

✔️ Boot loader (the uname -r prints the current kernel release version + architecture) :

path description
/boot/efi EFI partition mountpoint
/boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub<arch>.efi GRUB boot loader executable
/boot/efi/EFI/debian/grub.cfg GRUB config, points to /boot/grub/grub.cfg
/boot/grub/grub.cfg GRUB UEFI menu configuration file
/boot/grub/<arch>-efi/. GRUB modules
/boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) system kernel image
/boot/config-$(uname -r) system kernel config file
/boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) initial ramdisk image (initrd or initramfs: initial ram filesystem)
/boot/$(uname -r) kernel symbol table (resolves symbol names to memory addresses)
/etc/default/grub GRUB default options
/etc/grub.d GRUB menu templates (header, theme, etc ...)

✔️ Kernel :

path description
/proc/sys/. kernel variables storage
/proc/loadavg average system load
/proc/filesystems kernel supported file systems
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs kernel supported file systems (exhaustive)
/etc/sysctl.conf kernel variables default values
/etc/sysctl.d/. additional kernel variables
/etc/modules kernel modules to load at boot time (initially empty)

✔️ Devices :

path description
/dev/disk/. links from storage devices to partitions (by id, partuuid, path, uuid)
/dev/block/. links from block devices to partitions (major/minor numbers)
/dev/tty* native terminals
/dev/pts/. emulated terminals (ssh, etc)
/dev/null writes are discarded, reads return EOF
/dev/zero writes are discarded, reads return zero-value ASCII characters
/dev/full writes produces ENOSPC ("disk full"), reads return zero-value ASCII characters
/dev/random random bytes from the kernel secure pseudorandom number generator
/dev/std* standard streams for current process
/dev/fd/. file descriptors for current process

✔️ File systems :

path description
/proc/partitions system partitions list
/etc/mke2fs.conf default options for new file systems
/etc/fstab static list of partitions to mount in the file system at startup
/etc/crypttab static list of encrypted volumes to mount in the file system at startup

✔️ Systemd :

path description
/lib/systemd/system default configuration units
/etc/systemd/system administrator configuration units (emulate runlevels)
/run/systemd/system dynamically generated configuration units (EMPTY)
/etc/systemd/system/ symlink to default system target unit in /lib/systemd/system

✔️ Services :

path description
/etc/services accepted connections by network service (service name / protocol / port number)
/etc/ssh host public/private keys + SSH client and server config
/etc/pam.d/. configuration files of authentication modules

✔️ Shells :

path description
/bin/bash default shell, use for shebang and users creation
/bin/sh -> /bin/dash lightweight shell, no history available, no nothing
/etc/shells list of valid login shells for the system
/etc/profile system-wide .profile file for bash
/etc/bash.bashrc system-wide .bashrc file for bash
/etc/login.defs login configuration options ()
--> retries, timeouts, events logs, default commands options ...

✔️ Networking :

path description
/etc/hosts list of machines to be contacted over the network without using DNS
/etc/hostname static hostname (used to initialize the kernel at boot)
/etc/nsswitch.conf sequential order of names resolvers to contact when process need host name resolution

✔️ Log files (rsyslogd) :

path description
/var/log/kern.log kernel startup logs
/var/log/auth.log users sessions history logs
/var/log/daemon.log services activity logs
/var/log/syslog system startup logs
/etc/logrotate.conf configuration of logs rotation (limiting amount of logs)

✔️ Log files (journald) :

path description
/var/log/journal/.../system* system activity logs (binary data)
/var/log/journal/.../user-<id>* user activity logs (binary data)

✔️ Users management :

path description
/var/run/utmp list of connected users
/etc/default/useradd default values for useradd
/etc/passwd list of users, edit with useradd, usermod, userdel only
/etc/shadow shadowed password files for users
/etc/skel/. default config files for new users
/etc/adduser.conf default values for adduser
/etc/deluser.conf default values for deluser

✔️ Groups management :

path description
/etc/group list of groups, edit with groupadd, groupmod, groupdel only
/etc/gshadow shadowed passwords files for groups

✔️ Sudo access control :

path description
/etc/sudoers use visudo to edit this file
/etc/sudo.conf sudo front end options, missing ?

✔️ System-wide crontab (with username) :

path description
/etc/cron.d/. crontabs with unusual scheduling
/etc/crontab system crontab, schedules execution of hourly, daily, etc... jobs
/etc/cron.hourly jobs to execute every hour
/etc/cron.daily jobs to execute every day
/etc/cron.weekly jobs to execute every week
/etc/cron.monthly jobs to execute every month

✔️ User crontabs (no username) :

path description
/var/spool/cron/crontabs/. user crontab files, edit using the crontab command

✔️ Aptitude files :

path description
/etc/apt/sources.list default apt data sources, formatted
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/. additional apt data sources, see man sources.list
/var/log/dpkg.log logging of dpkg status messages

✔️ Alternatives files :

path description
/etc/alternatives/. directory containing all the symlinks for alternatives
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/. directory containing alternatives description files

✔️ Vim files :

path description
$HOME/.vimrc ...
$HOME/.vim/colors/dante.vim ...

✔️ User files :

path description
$HOME/.profile executed by bash for login shells
$HOME/.bashrc executed by bash for non-login shells

✔️ System installation logs :

path description
/var/log/installer/lsb-release logs installer version
/var/log/installer/hardware-summary logs detected hardware
/var/log/installer/syslog logs installer messages
/var/log/installer/status logs packages installed during installation
/var/log/installer/partman logs initial system partitioning

✔️ Miscellaneous :

path description
/usr/share/dict/american-english list of 102401 known words (dictionary)
/var/spool/mail/. local users mail boxes (plain text files)
/var/cache/locate/locatedb default locate database