Docker networking overview

Fundamentals of docker networking

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Docker network drivers

✔️ The docker networking subsystem allows containers to communicate with the outside using drivers :

  1. Bridge network :
    • default network driver + a default bridge network is initialized by the daemon at startup (legacy, do not use)
    • a bridge network is managed by a single docker daemon, thus only containers running on a single host can connect to it
    • containers connected to the same bridge network can communicate with each other
    • containers connected to the same bridge network are isolated from the rest of the network
    • hostname resolution between containers can only happen on user defined bridge networks
    • all containers ports are published to each other if the containers are connected to the same bridge network
# create a used defined bridge network
docker network create -d bridge <network>

# inspect a network (output connected containers names and addresses, network subnet, gateway etc...)
docker network inspect <network>

# creates a new container <name> from <image> in interactive mode, connects it to <network> and runs <command>
docker container run --network <network> --rm --name <name> -i -t <image> <command>

# connects a running container from an existing network
docker network connect <container> <network>

# disconnects a running container from an existing network
docker network disconnect <container> <network>
  1. Host network :
    • the container's network stack is not isolated from the host (it shares the host's networking namespace)
    • as opposed to the bridge driver, it won't create a new network interface on the host
    • from a networking point of view, it is the same level of isolation as if the container's command was running directly into the host
    • you don't want to use the host driver on 2 or more containers running on the same host to avoid ports conflicts
    • the ports publication options (-p) are ignored when using this network driver
# creates an interactive container from the busybox image using the "host" network driver
# typing ip addr show in the container will print the same network interfaces list as the host's
# any process listening to a port inside the container will effectively listen to the host's port 
docker container run --network host --rm -i -t busybox /bin/sh
  1. Overlay network
    • creates a distributed network among multiple hosts running docker daemons, which sits on top (overlays) the host-specific networks
    • connected containers can communicate securely when encryption is enabled (-o encrypted). Docker handles packets routing to the relevant host/daemon/container
    • each time a daemon initializes or joins a swarm, two networks are created on the host running the daemon :
name usage
ingress default overlay network, handles control and traffic related to swarm services
docker_gwbridge built-in bridge network that connects deamon to other daemons of the swarm
  • the following ports have to be open to traffic to and from each host participating on an overlay network :
proto number usage
TCP 2377 cluster management communications
TCP 7946 communication among nodes
UDP 7946 communication among nodes
UDP 4789 overlay network traffic itself
  • notes :
    • user-defined overlay networks can only be created if ingress network is present
    • user-defined overlay networks can only be created on the swarm manager
    • docker services may then use the user-defined overlay network to deploy containers on a distributed network of nodes
    • docker services and stacks can only be created and deployed on the swarm manager

Docker networking commands

✔️ Initialize a docker swarm on host1

# the address advertising is optional (the command will return the join token) 
docker swarm init --advertise-addr=<ipadresshost1>

✔️ Initialize host2 as a worker, join swarm

# initialize 'host2' as a soon-to-be worker
docker swarm init --advertise-addr=<ipadress>

# make 'host2' join the swarm managed by 'host1' using the join token
docker swarm join --token <token> --advertise-addr <ipadresshost2> <ipadresshost1>:2377

✔️ Create a user defined overlay network on host1 (swarm manager)

# swarm management traffic encryption is enabled by default
# application data encryption is enabled (--opt encrypted)
# the above is not supported on windows nodes, such nodes won't be able to communicate
docker network create -o encrypted -d overlay <network>

✔️ Create a docker service named <name> on host 1 (swarm manager) from <image> using 5 replicas, publish service port 80 to node port 3000

# use service name <name>
# start 5 replicas (containers) from the image <image>
# publish service port 80 to node port 3000 (container port publishing is obviously irrelevant in swarm mode)
# set up service to use the user defined overlay network <network>
docker service create --name <name> --replicas=5 --publish target=80,published=3000 --network <network> <image>

✔️ For simplicity's sake, we will assume that overlay networks will always be used for service creation and stack deployments on swarms